Friday, July 24, 2009

Discovering Summer

A couple weeks ago I asked a high school friend of mine to visit our school during our Discovery Days summer program. She's an aspiring photographer and we needed photographs for our website, so it seemed like a good fit! Courtney spent the afternoon with us and left with some great images of the kids. A few of them are displayed above, however I've posted several of the best here in our website photo gallery. Enjoy!

With this being my first summer at Sunrise, it's been a fun experience to be a part of the Discovery Days program. In previous summers the school offered a similar program, Summer Fun Days. This year we added themes to each day, which definitely got our teachers' creative juices flowing. This summer the kids have been on treasure hunts, created beautiful artwork, eaten fruit kabobs, and listened to some amazing stories! I've personally enjoyed watching the acrobatics on the zipline out my office window and hearing the laughter from little ones as they dance through the sprinkler and splash in the water outside!

I would encourage you to spend some time in this beautiful weather before it disappears. The deadlines, phone calls, and bills will be there when you get back. When was the last time you ran through a sprinkler with your kids, took a walk with your husband, or just laid in your yard and watched the clouds go by? I'm guessing it's still just as fun as it was when we were kids... maybe more!

Friday, July 3, 2009

laughter, friends, and faith

Wow! What a year this has been! Only 10 short months ago, I started as the new Director of the Sunrise Early Childhood Center. My first official day was September 2nd, which was also the first day of our new school year. Talk about jumping right in with both feet! Fortunately the teachers, staff, parents, and kids were amazing and made me feel right at home in my new role.

Throughout the last year, I've had the opportunity to see and be involved with some pretty cool things... which brings me to why I've decided to start a blog. There is just too much happening here at Sunrise to keep to myself. The children teach me something new every day and have opened my eyes to things that I never would have seen for myself.

I encourage you to check back here often, comment frequently, and ask any question that might come to mind. My plan is to share stories, pictures, thoughts, and ramblings... however I've learned that "plans" are made to be changed and often turn out much better if you just let things happen. I invite you to join me on this journey of laughter, friends, and faith. I promise you won't be disappointed!