Friday, April 9, 2010

Rockin' Out for Jesus!

It's hard to even put in to words the love, energy, and innocence felt during our preschool's Children's Chapel. Our monthly worship service was held this morning, allowing our students, families, and staff to share in a wonderful time of worship together... an amazing way to start all of our days!

We started hosting our monthly Children's Chapel this past fall and are coming up on our final Chapel of the school year in May. It's been a year of learning, singing, dancing, praying, and praising God! We don't claim to do everything right and often think of our times together as organized chaos, but to see the light and love in the eyes of these young children it's easy to embrace and fall in love with. When one of our little kindergarteners takes the microphone to open us with prayer, everything else in the world just melts away.

Over the past year, I've been overwhelmed by comments and stories about the impact Children's Chapel has had on our parents and families. I love hearing our students rockin' out to "Walk in the Light of Jesus" or "Jesus You're my Superhero" as they walk out the door at the end of the school day. However, I didn't realize the impact a Chapel designed for children would make on the adults as well. When one man told me that his time worshipping with us had led he and his wife back to church after not attending for over 10 years, it was hard (for both of us) to stop the tears of joy from welling in our eyes.

I am humbled to be involved in such a positive ministry and have the opportunity to work with and for such incredible people. If you haven't had the opportunity to join us for Children's Chapel, I would encourage you to make time to worship with us on Friday, May 14th. The service will run from 9:15 - 9:40am at the Sunrise Early Childhood Center at 7551 Oaklandon Rd. Come ready to laugh, sing, and dance along with our ECC family as we rock out for Jesus!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Photos & Facebook

One of the Sunrise Early Childhood Center's new years resolutions is to take advantage of more of the great technology that exists in our world today. Last year we launched a school website (, which was definitely a much needed starting point! If you are reading this post, you should also be aware that we have a blog ( that I'm planning to utilize a little more frequently than my two posts in 2009. :)

Our newest accomplishment is the creation of a Sunrise ECC Facebook Group. Simply send a facebook request to be added to our group and you'll be able to access all of the latest information on our classes, activities, field trips, and much more! I just finished posting over 30 photos from Jesus' Birthday Party and December's Childrens Chapel, as well as some great pictures of our Kindergarteners playing in the snow! You can check out several of these images in the photo gallery on our website too!

I hope our electronic leap into 2010 turns out to be beneficial for someone out there, even if it is to just be able to show grandma how cute the kids look in their antler headbands and red rudolph noses!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Winter Wonderland

One of the many blessings of working with preschool students is watching them LOVE things that we, as adults, have grown to HATE. Take, for example, the blanket of snow that currently covers our city and seems to be getting thicker by the minute. As adults, we complain about the terrible drivers, the hassles of school delays or closings, how cold our feet are, how wet the floors get, the need for summer to get here quicker, and how this snow just doesn't fit in to our hectic schedules. For many of us, snow has turned into something we could absolutely do without.

This morning at the preschool, we declared an official "Red Flag Day." Instead of having parents (and often times little siblings) walk the students to the classrooms, on Red Flag Days the teachers meet parents at their cars and deliver the students to their classrooms for them. This allows the parents and whatever little ones came along for the ride to stay in their warm cars and not have to fight the crazy, snowy parking lot.

As the flurries poured down, cars began pulling up in front of the school. Bundled in our coats and gloves we started holding little hands, carrying miniature backpacks, and bringing each student through the school doors. As I carried my first little one across the snowy sidewalk, I could tell that she thought that snow was definitely NOT something she could do without. Her eyes followed the flakes as they fell from the sky, while her tongue stuck straight out of her mouth trying to catch as many snowflakes as possible during the short trip. My second little package was just as mesmerized and much more chatty! He told me about the snowman he wanted to make and how much he loved playing in the snow. As I helped him take off his boots and change into his little sneakers, he told me just how fun school had been so far... and school hadn't even started yet!

How often to do we as adults look at amazing wonders (like 7 inches of snow!) and miss the beauty? Do we miss out on cherishing the opportunity to slow down, build a snowman with the kids, and bundle up together inside, because we are too busy being frustrated or inconvenienced? Are there things in your life that you could benefit from embracing with the innocence of my little friends at Sunrise? I will definitely admit that my socks are soaked, my To Do is not empty, and my car is simply a white bump in our parking lot... but I wouldn't change any of it, if I had to give up the time I shared with the little ones during Red Flag Day.